NLC nonlinearcircuits 1050MIXSEQ als pcb/panel kit (weiß, 16 HP) oder bare pcb only
Alle sonst benötigten Bauteile müssen selbst beschafft werden - sie sind hier nicht enthalten.
1050MIXSEQ benötigt überwiegend SMD Bauteile und muß noch selbst zusammengelötet werden !
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This module is based on the Arp 1050 mix sequencer. Although this version drops the VCO and push button functions. Using the switches, it is an 8 step sequencer, two 4 step sequencers, an 8 input mixer, 8 stage sequential switch, two 4 stage sequential switches and there is also a difference rectifier giving the +ve and -ve difference between stages 1-4 and 5-8.
Assembled modules are built to order. They will be ready to ship within 1 week of ordering, usually I manage it in 1-2 days.
INPUTS 1-4 : four CV/audio inputs.
INPUTS 5-8 : four CV/audio inputs.
CLOCK : the clock input
RESET : will reset the sequencer
1-4 : output the selected signal from 1-4
5-8 : output the selected signal from 5-8
1-8 : output the selected signal from 1-8
DIFF- : the negative output of diff/rect operation from all inputs
DIFF+ : the positive output of diff/rect operation from all inputs