ST Modular Krakong (pcb+panel only)
125,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
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KRAKONG is a duophonic generative synthesizer with a sequencer per voice, FM crossover modulation, an additional random modulation sequencer, one multimode filter with VCA, a buffered multiple and a resettable LFO. The design includes a collection of manual controls and connections for patching and CV control. It fits into a standard Eurorack case with at least 80 HP (3U).
get more detailed infos here
Das Kit enthält 1x panel und 1x pcb (unbestückt - alle Teile sind selbst zu beschaffen und zu verbauen !)
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Hersteller:3U-ShopDorfstr. 4515370 PetershagenGermany