ST Modular hapha (pcb+panel only)

13,95 €
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ST Modular hapha

4HP compact locked random voltage

HAPHA is a valuable tool for enhancing the organic and enjoyable qualities of your patches. This module generates a synchronized random voltage, tied to an external clock signal, and offers the option to stabilize this voltage into a fixed sequence. It's particularly useful for controlling filters and other sound-shaping parameters in your modular system.

To use it, simply connect a clock signal to the CLK input. HAPHA will then produce a random GATE signal at the upper output socket and a random CV signal at the lower output socket. You can create and lock a new sequence of voltages and gates by adjusting the LCK knob, and an LED indicator will show when a voltage change occurs.

For additional control, if you move the SER switch to the right, you can patch a control voltage into the serial input SER which will directly influence the random voltages at the outputs.

key features

  • Random Gate and CV
  • Clock Sync
  • Lock CV and Gate to a Sequence
  • External CV Input
  • Skiff friendly
  • Wrong polarity protection

specs & downloads

  • width: 4 HP
  • depth: 30 mm
  • power: 25 mA @ +12V / 18 mA @ -12V

The module consists of two boards:

  • Front PCB Panel
  • Main PCB

BOM & files

*** panel & pcb only, no further parts are included here !

Hersteller:3U-ShopDorfstr. 4515370 PetershagenGermany