ST Modular Clanches (pcb+panel only)
6HP Clock Source and Dual Random Gate. it is a modification of Émiie Gillet´s Module "Branches"
The internal clock indicated by the LED located in the centre is normalized to both inputs of the random gate. If there is an external trigger patched to one of the IN jacks, this connectionwill be interrupted. The gate takes a trigger or gate as an input and routes it to either one of its two outputs A and B according to a random coin toss.
You can manually adjust the internal clock rate. A switch changes the range from slow over moderate to very fast.
The CV input gives you the opportunity to use conbtrol voltages in order to adjust the clock speed. Any signal above 3V will vary the rate. If the signal drops below 3V the clock generator is forced to hold. this way you can generate very interesting rhythms by just patching a random signal or LFO into the Clock CV. The internal clock is furthermore supplied via the OUT jack.
The two manual controls P1 and P2 and their corresponding CV inputs change the probability of a signal to be routed to one of its outputs. In extreme settings, the outcome is no longerrandom causing the module to behave like a voltage controlled switch. The two LEDs on top indicate which output of each channel has been selected to route the signal.
In contrast to the original Branches module the two toggle switches simply change the behaviour if the P1 or P2 is set fully clock- or fully counter clockwise. If you hold the button for 2 seconds once the signal will be routed to A and B alternately with each incoming trigger. In normal mode they will just be routed to A (CW) or B (CCW).
And yes... there is an actual airwire you have to solder on the top side of the main PCB. It is clearly marked, you have dedicated holes to solder the wire ends and you won´t even see it on the finished module. As this PCB is very dense, there where no choice to avoid this little wire. This will be improved with a forthcoming revision though.
* released under cc-by-sa-3.0 license. Resources:
•Internal Clock Source
•Dual Random Gate
•CV Clock
•HOLD Function
•Probability CV
•Clock normalized to both Gates
•3x LED
•Two separate Gate Inputs
•Probability CV
•3U Eurorack module, 6 HP wide
•Power consumption: 30 mA at +12 V and 5 mA at -12 V
*** panel & pcb only, no further parts are included here !
* pictures of a built module with green panel as an example only
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see if you also need the following parts (not included):