Reverse Landfill Triple Comparator

ab 40,00 €

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand


Reverse Landfill - Video - Triple Comparator - 


Triple voltage controlled comparator module for the Gijs Gieskes 3TrinsRGB-1c Videosynthesizer.

Each Comparator channel (total of three) has 2×1 signal input, 1 CV input, 1 bias potmeter and 2×2 outputs (positive and negative result)
The module is powered by the 3TrinsRGB patchbay. (HIGH and GND)

The module is designed to accept Eurorack CV voltages. (+10 volt envelopes and -5v +5v LFO signals)
Negative voltages will be clipped and the input voltage is scaled to 0 to 2.5v.

This new version (v6) has a 8HP black panel and a large pin patchbay for easy patching.
The CV inputs are normalled to the next channels, so you can control all three channels with one CV input patched, or each channel separately with all channels patched.

What is a comparator:
Comparators in video processing are used for keying.
You can use the patchbay outputs of the 3trinsRGB-1c
and compare these to a voltage threshold.
You can set the bias / offset with the potmeter or by CV input signals.
The outputs will be a hard-edged versions of the initial image.


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