NLC Sloth Chaos [4HP single Sloth] (p&p)

33,30 €
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NLC nonlinearcircuits 4HP single Sloth als pcb/panel kit (weiß, 4 HP).

Alle sonst benötigten Bauteile müssen selbst beschafft werden - sie sind hier nicht enthalten.

4HP single Sloth benötigt keine SMD Bauteile, muß aber noch selbst zusammengelötet werden !

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Sloth Chaos This is a very simple to build chaos module that can be built in 4 ways: 1 cycle every 15 seconds (regular), 1 cycle per minute (slow), 1 cycle every 15 minutes (slooow) or 1 every 2 hours or so (sloooooow). It can take up to an hour for any change to be apparent when tweaking the pot. This module is ideal for ambience and extremely patient synth users. I developed it as I like to have my synths running whilst soldering away in the workshop and I like slow never-repeating changes to the patches. The pot changes the balance of the chaotic orbit, not the frequency. X and y are both outputs, there are no inputs.

The PCB is 16 x 95 mm, suitable for 4HP eurorack panels

Hersteller:nonlinearcircuits12 Alonso StWA 6163 CoolbellupWestern AustraliaAustralia