NLC ISOLATE (pcb + panel)
NLC nonlinearcircuits ISOLATE als pcb/panel kit (Panel weiß oder schwarz, 8 HP).
Alle sonst benötigten Bauteile müssen selbst beschafft werden - sie sind hier nicht enthalten.
Die Platine ist UNBESTÜCKT, also ohne jegliche Bauteile !
ISOLATE benötigt überwiegend SMD Bauteile und muß noch selbst zusammengelötet werden !
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nlc nonlinearcircuits says:
Back in the late 90s, I played a few gigs in Japan using a couple of SP-808s, Korg Er-1 and Pinky. Generally I’d just get something going and tweak the Isolators on the SP-808s, usual DJ type shenanigans.
Anyway, played a gig earlier this year, I only use a modular these days but wished I had an Isolator, so here are two.
They are simple EQ filters, all manually controlled.
The core circuit is based on a section of the PGM Isolator, don’t know where that came from, probably a 70s electronic hobby magazine.
The input stage boosts the signal by approx. 1.5x, feel free to adjust this (15k on the input op amp).
Feed them some drums and tweak.