NLC I WAS SITTING IN A ROOM (pcbs + panel)
NLC nonlinearcircuits I WAS SITTING IN A ROOM als pcbs/panel kit (Panel weiß oder schwarz, 10 HP).
Alle sonst benötigten Bauteile müssen selbst beschafft werden - sie sind hier nicht enthalten.
Die Platinen sind UNBESTÜCKT, also ohne jegliche Bauteile !
I WAS SITTING IN A ROOM benötigt überwiegend SMD Bauteile und muß noch selbst zusammengelötet werden !
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This module has nine PT2399 chips in series. The 1st has voltage controlled delay time, the following 8 have fixed delays. It is noisy, but that is the whole point. At certain settings, you can get some interesting effects such as an illusion of reverse delay.
By default, out6 is fed to the feedback input, but feel free to try different outs. The effect is usually quite different using odd or even numbered outs as feedback. Even better, take one of the outs and process it thru a VCF or Phase shifter and then feed it back.
There are outputs for stages 1-8, 9 misses out but is summed into the ALL output with everything else.
This module can also be used for pseuedo stereo, multi-phonic or spatialization effects.
There are a number of options to consider when building this module, please read thru the build guide.
Also note, it sucks a LOT of current on the +12V rail, at least 220mA.