NLC ENVELOPE FOLLOWER with white panel (p&p)
NLC nonlinearcircuits ENVELOPE FOLLOWER als pcb/panel kit (weiß, 4HP).
Alle sonst benötigten Bauteile müssen selbst beschafft werden - sie sind hier nicht enthalten.
ENVELOPE FOLLOWER benötigt überwiegend SMD Bauteile und muß noch selbst zusammengelötet werden !
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This Envelope Follower PCB was developed for use in the cellF synth, it is based on the design in the Buchla Easel. Obviously it has a few changes; a gain pot rather than a hi/lo switch and a gate output. It is a wonderfully sensitive and expressive EF, that works nicely with regular microphones and guitars.
The 1/4" jack connects to the switch of the 3.5mm input jack, the outputs are pre-amp (20x gain), envelope and gate. The LED indicates when the gate is on.
pcb & panel only, no parts included, module has to be built by yourself