NLC 1/N (DIVIDE BY N) white panel + pcbs (p&p)
NLC nonlinearcircuits 1/N als pcb/panel kit (weiß, 8HP).
Alle sonst benötigten Bauteile müssen selbst beschafft werden - sie sind hier nicht enthalten.
1/N benötigt überwiegend SMD Bauteile und muß noch selbst zusammengelötet werden !
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This module is straight out of the Lunetta playbook. It is simply a CMOS 4018 with buffers on all of its inputs and outputs, along with a 4081 to enable further divisions. The divide by is patch-programmable, simply patch whichever number you wish to divide by back into the input and feed it a clock. The other outputs will follow the 1/n at various phase differences depending upon what is going on. You can get quite silly by feeding signals into the J1-J5 inputs (jam) and sending a high signal (anything over 1V) to the preset enable.
pcb & panel only, no parts included, module has to be built by yourself