Manecolabs La Peste Fuzz (r2p)

249,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand


manecolabs La Peste Fuzz als Pedalversion [[OPTION A]] im robusten Gehäuse.

Benötigt separates Netzteil (DC 9V [negative center] - nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten).

oder Eurorackmodul [[OPTION B]]...

Sofort einsatzbereiter Fuzz Effekt.

LaPeste Fuzz.

It’s a synthy fuzz , based on an internal square wave oscillator, synced to the incoming audio signal. Also features and Lfo to modulate the internal oscillator frequency, which affects duty cycle and color for the generated sound.


Color: internal oscillator frequency control, affects interaction with incoming sygnal and overal tone for generated square wave . Level: Square wave output level

Blend : Mix between input dry signal and square wave. Lfo : Low frequency oscillator routed to Color for oscillator , via DEPTH pot , RATE and WAVEFORM shape pots. Waveforms are : ramp up, ramp down, square, triangle, sine , sweep, random levels, random Slopes