AI Synthesis Passive Filters
These AI Synthesis Passive Filter PCBs are "RC" filter circuits, composed of a resistor and a capacitor and allow the easy creation of Passive Low Pass and Passive High Pass Filters.
Passive Hi Pass Filters:
When a capacitor is placed in series with the signal and a resistor is placed in parallel, a high pass filter is created. Because capacitors offers very high resistance to low frequency signals, when placed in series with a signal, they block low-frequency signals from the output, but high-frequency signals are able to go through unimpeded. Use a high quality capacitor (film or better since audio will be passing through them). Additional pads are offered for your experimentation with second order filters, etc....
To build a Passive High Pass Filter:
- Use this guide to select a cap and resistor for the frequency desired.
- Solder the resistor value it gives in R1 and use extra resistor wire to form a bridge across C2.
- Solder the cap value you entered in C1.
- Solder two jacks - you are done. You can write the Frequency you set in the white space on the PCB.
Passive Low Pass Filters:
When a resistor is placed in series with the signal and a capacitor is placed in parallel, a low pass filter is created. Because capacitors offers very high resistance to low frequency signals, the low frequencies pass through to the output and high frequencies go to ground. Additional pads are offered for your experimentation with second order filters, etc....
To build a Passive Low Pass Filter:
- Use this guide to select a cap and resistor for the frequency desired.
- Solder the resistor value it gives in R1 and use extra resistor wire to form a bridge across R2.
- Solder the cap value you entered in C1.
- Solder two jacks - you are done. You can write the Frequency you set in the white space on the PCB.